Saturday, December 27, 2008
今早八点,我约了文倩一起吃早餐,也顺便去送伊雯和宇健(他们去PLKN,Kem Juara,Serian)...
啊!!!!!!我哥的车不会start,oh my......
哥 : 婷,去工厂拿车...
我 : 现在去拿昧??
哥 : 当然啦!
我 : oklo...
Monday, December 8, 2008
bbq party at ivin's house....
steam bot
nudget,french fried,fish and chip...
fruit salad...
karen,ivin and me.....
is me.....
Friday, December 5, 2008
is me...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
boring holiday~~
anyone who fell boring also,can call me,we can go out to have a drink or swimming..haha
emm,since so boring,then show u people some photo taken in the last day of my secondary life!
with diana,sharon,chiew,chee,chii seng and lik chia


hehe,next coming friday will going to KL,will post some nice photo after coming back,^^...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
HapPy fiNisH SPM...
finally i can enjoy......
BM,BI,Sejarah,Math,Add Math,Bio,Chemi,Physics,Moral,Account,Est,Chinese....12 subjects that i study for 2 years time,just took 4 weeks to be test.....swt!!haha
how to tidy up my books now?am i need to burn them?or give to other people?or sell to other people?this should be many form 5 student's problem after finish exam...aiks~~
I think now should not think too much lar,for me,enjoy myself is better...take my time to enjoy...
and now talk about PLKN,mine is second intake,wao...March to from now,i still got 3 months to enjoy..
hehe,Happy Holiday to every SPM students.....^^
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Time and tide wait for no man...
Wish u all Have a nice holiday 1st...
SPM2008,start from 11 November till 5 December...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
By right the name list should comes out in this thursday(tomorrow),but last night Sharon manage to check on the name list...
I fell very nervous this morning...
AH Mi TO FO.....
I tried to borrow a handphone from teacher...and send the msg to check whether i involve it or not...?my brain is blank!!
this is the reply msg >>> Tahniah,anda telah dipilih untuk menyertai PLKN 2009....What a bad reply that i wish not to receive it..
haiz!!Alamak....why is me???why alot of chinese girls involve but boys didnt??
3 months in the camp,but got RM 450 allowance..
is it good?".."haiz..
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thank you very much,mr are the best teacher...hehe
I promise that i must get better score in my SPM!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
gOinG foR bAdmintOn...
it is very nice game,but tomoro u ppl will know la,every part of body start feel pain oredy...
There are some photo taken by myself :
TEAM A >>>>>>>
Jian and Wen
TEAM B >>>>>>
Christina and Sim
TEAM C >>>>>>>
Sharon and me
We are having a competition,haha....
Team A (Jian and Wen) VS Team B(Christina and Sim),finally Team A win......
Then the next is Team A VS Team B(me and sharon),finally we are the Winner!!!!!!!hahaha
Monday, July 7, 2008
need to sit for another 3 more exam(august,september,october)then just will sit for the real exam,SPM...
how many As u all can get??any confident??
anyway,good luck to every friend of my,wish u all get the best result!!
jia you!!!
SPM count down=128days!!
oh my god,128 divided by 12 subject,1 subject only left 10 many chapter need to study in 1 day?how many pages need to study perday??
i think we better don't count for it,it will just make us nervous and nervous...haiksssss
Friday, June 20, 2008
A. 人
B. 动物
C. 土人
D. 仙女
A 型.....你是个坚守常规的人,你不会作有损伦理之事,更不会发生不伦之恋。你也会要求你的恋人对你从一而终,所以恋爱中的你是个心胸异常狭窄的人。试问一个毫无量度的人,有人会受得了吗?
B 型.....你是个不爱发脾气的人,所以很易相处。你喜欢的恋爱方式是经过时间累积而逐渐酝酿出来的感情。你能包容恋人的一切,即使对方做错了事,你也不愿和他争吵。但一味的忍气吞声,可能会助长对方得寸进尺。
C 型.....你擅於与人交往,有令人对你一见锺情的魅力,恋爱的经验也不少。你对恋人的宽容,其实是你视体验不同性格的人的一种挑战。这种恋爱心理,似乎有些过於自信与骄傲,小心误人误己。
D 型.....虽然你沉溺在完全自我的境界里,但这也是你的魅力所在,你也意识到自己这一特长,所以也引以为傲。因此你绝不会与自己性格相异的人交往,对恋人的要求也非常严格,委曲求全的事你绝对不屑一顾。
a 选择红色的人:红色非常地热情,就像一团燃烧中的火球般,是十足的性情中人,你的爱情火焰也是强人一倍,你善于与人交际,不论是在班、公司或学校的社团活动,你都非常踊跃地参加,谈恋爱时非常积极、大胆,具有革新的精神,但你内心亦有所不满,你为了解除隐藏的不满,很可能会伤了别人,甚至会为了出人头地,而把自己的快乐建筑在别人的痛苦上,你的内心一直强烈地企盼着希望他人“爱我”。
b 选黑色的人: 黑色最能人神秘的气氛,这也就是为什么巫师喜穿黑色衣服的原因,你对于神秘的、不可知的事最感兴趣,所以你所欣赏的人,也是那种外表虽不起眼,但极富神秘气质的人。不过,一旦你觉得对方的神秘气质消失后,你就会感到失望,维持长久的恋情立刻因你的冷漠而降温,而且你是喜怒形于色的人,所以对方立刻会察觉出你的态度,却不解你为何如此,你缺乏控制自己脾气的修养,而且你也不清楚自己的实际想法如何,不知道该怎么做,充满了不安与怀疑。
c 选蓝色的人:待人处事皆非常冷静,绝不会感情用事,你就像毕卡索一样,充满艺术家忧郁的气质,但是在面临紧急状况时,你能力持镇定,不慌不忙地处理事务。这样的你,很难与你的伴侣维持火热的感情,你总是静静地分析对方的一切。另外,由于内向的个性,也使你极富责任感,但个性稍嫌保守,所以你的内心很难燃起一股热情。
d 选绿色的人:绿色像森林和山岳带给人们稳定安详的心情,绿色一直予人祥和舒服的感受。你就像火焰那般,以你的爱心火焰渐渐地温暖人,你对任何人都很温柔,以宽阔的心情对待他们,你的喜怒哀乐很少形于色,脸部总是维持着一号表情,但喜爱你的人反而会因为如此而对你生信赖感,只是你处理事情太过慎重,小心流于顽固。
e 选紫色的人:紫色是代表着内心不安的颜色,此刻的你就像是“鬼火”,心情忽明忽灭,难以安定。你是不是有不为人知的烦恼呢?你非常地敏感,有时朋友无心的一句话,你都会为之耿耿于怀好久,更不用说你心上人的一举一动了,不过要提醒你的是,你心中的不安大部分是来自自己的想像。你容易把自己关在一个人的小世界中,又加上你拙于表达自己的心意,所以难免会受人误会,另外你也有性的渴求,你是否一直渴望着拥抱他人或被人拥抱呢?
f 选橙色的人:橙色经常开朗、精神焕发的你,非常具有热情、活力,而你还会为周遭朋友感染你快乐的心情。你的四周常常是笑声洋溢!可是,你是真的由衷地感觉快乐吗?虽然很多人看到你表面上的热情开朗,其实你内心对不断地付出已感到疲惫。你愈是脸上堆满笑脸,其实心中愈觉寂寞,在你的心底一直有着渴望着能得到心上人强烈愿望。
Monday, May 26, 2008
a busy-ing holiday...
It is going to be very busy in this holiday - tuitionsss,revision,and typing the chinese magazine essay....wao!!WAT A BUSY HOLIDAY....
i have no time to rest anymore....haiz...
but i know that after the SPM2008,i have a long long holidays to be enjoy....hope that the time can pass quickly...
hehe... =)-
I have just finish my progressive test 2 before the holiday,i m very happy to see the result....hahahaha...Can say that it is the best result that i got since i m in upper form....claps!!^.^...
Friday, May 9, 2008
station games....organise by chinese club
It is quite nice,but just the game is too short,just 5 station only....There are only 4 groups involve in this activity,we expects that will have more group but just 4 groups attend... At about 3.30pm,we starts the game.This activity O.C is Rebecca,a form 4 kids,thanks a lot to her because she had really take a lot of times to prepare all of the question and buy the presents and etc...
1st station,we just need to arrange the chinese word that given by Diana to become the 成语....
Next,we go to another station,we are asked to blow the ball from one 'baldi' to another one...after we success to blow to last one,then Sharon ask us a question,为什么绿豆跌下地板会变红豆?It is an easy question,we just use few second to answer this...
then 3rd station,we reach to the padang junior,we are asking to get the sweet from the 面粉 with our MOUTH ONLY, haha...very funny,our face full with the 面粉,all become white white....haha,Christina takes photo for us too,so bad...after got 10 sweets, we need to answer a question given by Christina,she asks us 什么东西没有买一送一??she did not want to give us any clue,we fail to get the answer,then we got some punishment from them.that is drinking 苦茶,wao...but i didnt drink it la...haha...whole cup was drank by Sim...
4rd station,we are asked to push the bottol to a fixed place....the bottol must stop at the space between 2 lines....after that,we are asked again an question,什么动物手脚都在头上?given a clue,它是一种会跳的昆虫类...our group member,Wei Lin get the answer too...
5rd station,also the last station,it is a easier game,比手划脚 of our group member need to act something,we just need guess what she act...then,we are asked a question,它戴帽,不是工程师,它穿白袍,不是医生...guess one type of vegetable...actually we cant get the answer,just when the form 1 students tells the answer to us...haha..
After that,we just ran back to the starting place....
WE GOT NO.1....haha...very happy lo although not really all the question are answered by us...haha
Any one know the answer of those question??all of YOU can guess it,and tell me....haha
Friday, April 18, 2008
然后,上华文节时,又是一样,无缘无故被骂哦,"小姐"老师改错答案,宇健就找她(是扣分哦),谁知道,还要被骂,她说是宇健写不清楚才会令她改错...aiyo,why got this type of teacher???really really....aiks..
never mind,this is our last year in secondary school,next time she will not have any change to scold n see us again....
We will remember for this day,and the date....18.04.2008...
plus and minus 5 days of 18,beware in these few day.....may be will kena bom again in the next few month...
Monday, April 14, 2008
fAll siCk...(4 6)
tis morning when i woke up,i found myself so hot.....but i decide to go to school too(so hardworking,right?)wahaha....actually is not hardworking la,because i wan to get my exam result...aiks,when i went to school,i just remember tat still got a lot of my friends haven't sit for their exam,so exam result might not be know so soon.Besides,some of my teacher didn't go to school,so i have a lot of free,i went to have the permit from teacher,and tell them tat i m having a fever,one of my school teacher,he dont believe tat i m sick,don't allow me to go back...i felt so angry about tat,next time i won't call tat person as a teacher anymore...(no need to mention his name la)
Well,at about 9.00a.m.,i got another permit from another teacher,then i went back home....after taking my breakfast,i take some medicine and sleep for almost 3 hours...
then at afternoon,i sleep for another 3 hours again...(wao,i think tonight i no need to sleep anymore)haha,now i found tat myself are ok already...
*take care for ourself is very important,don't let urself fall sick in SPM(a very very important day for all of us)